Computer Background: Christmas 2015

Merry Christmas!

Follow these steps to set this photo as your desktop background:

  1. Click on the photo above to open the full size version in a new window
  2. Right click on the full size photo, and then left click on “Set as Desktop Background”
  3. Enjoy

Remember, if you have any computer repair or support needs, your solution is just a phone call away!

Computer Background: New Zealand Horses


A Clydesdale and yearling on the 30,000 acre Erewhon farm on the South Island of New Zealand, just down the gravel road from where Edoras of Lord of the Rings is located.

Follow these steps to set this photo as your desktop background:

  1. Click on the photo above to open the full size version in a new window
  2. Right click on the full size photo, and then left click on “Set as Desktop Background”
  3. Enjoy

Remember, if you have any computer repair or support needs, your solution is just a phone call away!